Coach Profile
Camp Director
Joe Grohman

Joe Grohman is a Class A PGA Member and serves as camp director for Nike Junior Golf Camps at El Dorado Park Golf Course. Joe was elected to the Long Beach Golf Hall of Fame in 2016 and was awarded PGA Youth Development Leader for the Southern California PGA Section in 2017.
In 2005 he began a monthly golf clinic for Disabled Veterans from the Long Beach VA Hospital and for Active Duty Military from Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach and Joint Forces Training Base Los Alamitos. In 2006 he added a Monthly Wounded Warrior Golf Clinic for the Wounded Warrior West Battalion at Camp Pendleton. His west coast pilot program at the request of the PGA of America at the L.A VA became part of the foundation of the PGA HOPE program.
2019 will mark his hosting of the following; 20th Annual Golf Clinic for the Junior Blind, 13th Annual Special Education kids Clinic, 7th Annual Wounded Warrior West Battalion Golf Tournament and 6th Annual At-Risk Inner City Kids Golf Clinic, 4th annual PGA HOPE Showcase clinic the Monday of the SONY in Oahu and 5th annual PGA HOPE showcase clinic the Monday of the Masters in Augusta.
-Class A PGA Member, Professional Golfers Association of America elected January 1998
-Elected to the Long Beach Golf Hall of Fame, 2016
-Awarded PGA Youth Development Leader, Southern California Section PGA, 2017
-Awarded PGA Bill Strausbaugh Award, Southern California Section PGA, 2016
-Awarded PGA Merchandiser of the Year-Public Facility, Southern California Section PGA, 2014
-Awarded PGA Golf Professional of the Year, Southern California Section PGA, 2013
-Awarded Armed Forces Recreation-Special Citation Award U.S. Navy, 2010
-Civilian Employee of the Year, Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, 2008
-"Kids on Course” program selected “Best in Nation” by USGA and NGCOA, 2001
-Hosted over 300 Golf Clinics for Wounded Warriors, Disabled Veterans and Active Duty since 2005
-Board Member, Southern California Section PGA, 2014-Present -Disabled Golf Committee Chairperson, Southern California Section PGA, 2009-Present