Swim Tip
Presented by Nick Baker, Founder
Nike Peak Performance Summer Swim Camp Chicago, IL
Peak Performance Swim Camp Tip: It’s All In The Style When It Comes To Swim Camps For Kids

A positive coaching style is essential in developing swimmers’ full potential. Unfortunately, not all coaches believe in the power of positivity choosing unsavory and antiquated methods of motivation involving fear, threats, and intimidation. Treating swimmers in this manner is a form of bullying that diminishes self-worth and performance over time.
A 2003 study by Dr. Stephan Joseph at the University of Warwick found that verbal abuse can do significant harm to a person’s self-worth. A 2005 study at UCLA found that children continually subjected to name calling felt humiliated, anxious, angry, and disliked school to a greater extent. And a 2007 Penn State study found that children bullied or expecting to be bullied by their teachers experienced increased levels of cortisol commonly known as the stress hormone. Ironically, when cortisol levels spike, the ability to think clearly and remember is greatly compromised.
The ideal coach is professional through and through, setting high standards for both themselves and their swimmers. While they demand much, they do so in a manner that enhances swimmers’ self-worth. Rather than break swimmers down, they build them up via a positive coaching style.
At Peak Performance Swim Camps we pride ourselves on our positive coaching style and provide the best swim camps for competitive swimmers. To amplify our training approach, we enthusiastically employ a positive coaching style that includes:
- Emphasizing the positive whenever possible
- Spending equal time with every swimmer in the lane
- Providing ongoing and constructive feedback
- Using sound coaching principles to engage and inspire
- Recognizing achievements no matter how small
- Providing unconditional support
- Rewarding effort regardless of the outcome
- Enhancing self-esteem whenever possible
- Seizing teachable moments to build positive character traits
- Creating the environment where success is more the rule rather than the exception
Peak Performance Swim Camp
Our daily goal at Peak Performance Swim Camp is to implement our philosophy to the fullest. We employ a one-of-a-kind holistic training approach that conditions swimmers both inside and out. We believe swimmers are only as good as the sum of their parts, meaning those who lack essential mental, technical, or physical conditioning can never maximize their swimming potential.