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3 Tips for On-The-Ball Defense

On The Ball basketball Defense skills taught at youth basketball camp

Learning the value of a strong defense is one way to take your game to the next level. As the famous saying goes, “great defense wins championships.” Since one weak link can cause the defense to fail, it’s important to work on your on the ball defense moves as much as you can. Properly defending the ball handler is a skill that you will need in your toolbox to be successful. Here are three ways commonly taught at our youth basketball camps to improve your on the ball defense.

1. Try to Maintain your Balance

First, every offensive player’s goal is to get by you and closer to the basket. The most effective way they do this is by trying to get you to lose your balance. If you lose your balance, even for just a second, it gives them the opportunity to score. When you are on man-to-man defense, it is important to remember to stay in a low and in a wide stance. Standing tall and shoulder width apart will cause you to lose your balance quicker. Don’t go for shot fakes or lunge at the player, maintain your stance and watch the ball.

2. Create Ball Pressure

When defending the ball handler with the ball will be below their mid-section, place your hand above the ball to obstruct the player from the “triple threat” (shot, pass, drive). By doing this, you do not have to leave your feet, which is a main reason that you may lose your balance. Always ensure that you are not touching the player, which could be ruled a foul. Creating ball pressure is a huge element of on the ball defense and should not be overlooked.

3. Over Guard One Side

Lastly, knowing your competition can aid immensely when it comes to on the ball defense. If your opponent is right handed, over guard that player’s right side and force them to use their left hand. This can be done by approaching the player straight on, dropping your right foot back and keeping your left hand up to force the opponent left. Capitalizing on their weaknesses will create more opportunities to gain ball possession back.

Understanding the pivotal role that defense plays is the first step in changing the outcome of a game. Utilize these three defensive tips as you progress and learn more at a Nike Basketball Camp this summer!

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