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Field Hockey Tip

5 Tips to be a better field hockey goalkeeper

Be a better field hockey goalkeeper

As a goalkeeper, making the game winning save and being the hero is something we all imagine doing. At the same time, having an opposing player come at you with the ball can also be very nerve wracking. Keeping these five tips in mind may help you become the better goalkeeper, and make the winning save.

1. Keep your weight forward

When in the goal, it is important to stay on the balls of your feet. Since there is a lot of weight from the gear, it is helpful to remain balanced and ready to move. Being on the balls of your feet will allow you to keep the ball flat when you are making foot saves. It also helps make diving for a ball easier.

2. Keep your hands in a good position

Having your hands in the right position is important when reacting to shots at different heights. You want to find a height where you feel most comfortable. If you need help determining where to place them, place your hands just outside of the torso and just below shoulder level. This will allow you to react quickly to high shots, drop suddenly for low shots, and extend fully when diving. If your hands are low and out of placement, blocking high shots will be tough.

3. Stay relaxed and watch the ball

When a hard hit ball comes at the goal, the natural tenancy is to tense up. If you want to face these shots head on, it is important that you stay relaxed, big, watch the ball, and wait until they hit the ball before reacting. You will naturally react to the hit and save the ball. Try to not guess where they will hit, because you could be fooled by their body movement and weight shift.

4. Communication

You are the last line of defense in the game and you are the one player with your eyes on the entire field. Communicating with your defenders is very important, and will make your job as goalkeeper easier. If you direct your defense, the 1 on 1 situation can happen less often.

5. Have a great mind set

Your position is probably one of the most important on the field since your margin of error is the smallest. You need to make sure you are composed and have a great mind set throughout the game. If a ball gets past you, try to immediately forget about it and put that in the past. You can’t let goals and missed blocks keep you down during the game. Clear your mind and focus on the next shot. If you are still hung up on a shot you should have saved, then you won’t be in the right mindset to block the next one. Enjoy yourself and have fun.

At the end of the day, it is just a game. Don’t go for a perfect match right away, improve your skills every game by keeping these tips in mind, and soon you will start saving many shots.

Check out more field hockey tips to help set you apart this season and join us at a Nike Field Hockey Camp this summer.

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