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Golf Tip

Golf Tip: How to Master Chipping Around the Green

Nike Junior Golf Camp Boyne Highlands chipping practice png

Becoming proficient at chipping will help massively in your golf game. Understanding the right swing to hit, or the slope of the green can be the difference between par and a double bogey. Beyond your swing, knowing the correct club to use for the proper distance will give you an edge. In today’s tip, we are going to focus on the fundamentals of chipping. Regardless of how good you are right now, improving your chip shots will lower your score.

First, you must understand what club to use and why. The most important factor when picking a club is the distance you are from the hole, and if any objects are obstructing the path. If you are very close to the hole, you should use a lob wedge, sand wedge, or pitching wedge. Since all of these clubs have loft, they will help the ball spin more and roll less. The lob wedge creates the most rotation and will roll the least. If you find yourself further from the hole, you may need to switch to a 7, 8, or 9 iron to get the distance. These clubs create less spin on the ball and will roll much further.

Once you have picked your club, now you can focus on the grip and power you strike the ball with. Unlike tee shots, you want to stand with your feet close together (only a couple of inches apart). The ball should be aligned with your back foot, a couple of inches behind the true center. You want to shift the weight to your front foot and position your hands slightly in front of the ball.

Finally, you want to keep your wrist still and focus on your backswing. Don’t overdo it, your backswing should only move a short distance. Control is essential during your backswing. Remember to keep the majority of your weight on your front foot, and follow through with your swing. As you follow through, your hips and shoulders will rotate slightly. If done correctly there should be a small divot right in front of the ball. As you finish your swing, use the same amount of force as your backswing. This will keep you steady and in control of your shot. Don’t focus on the hole when hitting your shot, but focus on where you want the ball to bounce, and roll to eventually

Following these steps will help improve your consistency and your score on the course. Remember to stay relaxed throughout your warmup swing, and focus on the ball. If you follow these steps, you may notice a large improvement in your overall game. For tips like this and more, check out our Nike Junior Golf Camps!

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