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What are the Five Qualities that Make a Great Team Captain

Team captain

Being a team captain means accepting responsibility for your team. You become the team leader and must set the standard of what it means to be a great teammate. Team leaders are essential to executing your vision for your team and setting the tone for your teammates. Become a GREAT captain and teammate by following the running tips below.

  1. Lead by Example: As the team captain, your attitude and actions set the tone for the rest of the team. If you goof off or slack off during practice, you are giving permission for your teammates to do the same. Remember that you are a leader and people will follow your example- good or bad.
  2. Be Positive: Having a positive attitude even during the hardships will build a stronger team dynamic. Be optimistic! Your mood helps motivate your team to think ahead, to believe in themselves. Your team will go further and be more successful throughout your season, working as a cohesive unit.
  3. Communication: Communication involves talking AND listening. Team captains are not just all about giving out instructions. You must consider what all your teammates have to say. Listening is just as important as talking, it promotes respect and allows the team to know that their opinions are valued and appreciated.
  4. Teach Leadership: Share your leadership qualities with other teammates, share what you’ve learned. Pass on the qualities you possess, what makes you such a great leader. Your will team will grow. Having multiple leaders on your team improves your team’s attitude and productivity, so share your thoughts and dreams.
  5. Caring: As a captain you need to care about the team and pay attention to each individual teammate, on and off the course. If you see someone struggling or having a bad day, spend a little extra time figuring out what’s bothering them. This may mean talking to them after practice or after class. Help them work through it as best you can. Show them that you’re there for them. Be supportive!
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