Basketball Video Tip
Presented by Khalil Carter, Camp Director
Nike Basketball Camp EHB Basketball Club Chamblee
Nike Basketball Camp - Three Cone Crossover Drill
The jump shot is one of the most important shots in the game to master. Hailed as being the easiest shot, it still takes work to get there. Mastering this one-handed shot will help set you apart from the competition. Follow along as Coach Khalil Carter breaks down the Three Cone Crossover drill!
To set up the drill, all you will need are three cones. Starting at the first block, line them up at a 45-degree angle with the key. Each player will start at the top of the cones, facing the basket, and work their way towards the basket whilst focusing on footwork and alternating the dribbling hand. When they come out, they will crossover, left-right, and come into a block jumper, holding the follow-through until the ball goes through the rim. Remember to stay low and in an athletic stance for the duration of the drill
For more great Nike Basketball Camp drills and tips join us at camp this summer!