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Field Hockey Coach's Corner

Field Hockey Tip

Mastering 3D Skills- Lifts

Field Hockey Tip 3 D Skills

3D skills are great tools for coaches to work on with intermediate to advanced players. Once you're players have mastered stick control, they should look to develop their 3D skills. 3D skills also known as lifts, jinks, or pops, are some of the hardest skills to defend against and can be used by all outfield positions. Here is a drill to help master lifts, commonly used at our college field hockey camps for advanced players.  

Drill: UP UP UP

To set the drill up, line up 4 cones in a straight line, 4 feet apart.

Have players run along the cones, bouncing the ball between each cone. To gain more practice have players change up their lift height. This will make it harder for defenders to read where the ball will be next.

Once your players have mastered the straight line, add a turn to the line of cones, and have them turn and come back the opposite way.

Mastering this 3D skill will help players take their game to the next level and give them the edge they need to be a high level player. Check out more field hockey coaching tips and other ways to help your players improve.   

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