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Golf Tip

Golf Tip: Tiger Woods Pre-Shot Routine

Tiger woods pre shot routine

When watching professional golfers, it can be shocking how consistent each shot is. Professionals have worked their entire life to re-create their perfect golf shot each swing. For beginners to golf, consistency is the toughest aspect of the game to master. In today’s tip we are going to break down Tiger Woods pre-shot routine. Hopefully you can use some of his techniques to master your perfect swing. A pre-shot routine needs to be quick and efficient. It is important to swiftly move through your checklist and get ready to execute your shot.

The first task is to pick your target, or where you want the ball to land. This can be done while approaching your ball and picking your club. Knowing which club to use, and how each different club will affect the flight plan is very important. Make sure your ball can clear any obstacles. Now that you have picked your target, and assessed your flight plan you will want to want to ball to land before it rolls. Understanding how fast the course is running will be vital to making an accurate prediction of where your ball will land.

When Tiger approaches each shot, he stands behind the ball holding his club, and visualizes where he wants his shot to land. After this, he walks up to the ball, and aligns himself a few feet in front of the ball. Depending on the club, his alignment is slightly different. Once Tiger is in this position, he will look at the ball and target one more time, then execute. His swing thoughts are almost non-existent, and he has practiced his pre-shot routine his entire life.

Now that you have picked your club, a target, and your flight plan there is nothing left to do but swing! Having a controlled and relaxed swing is important for your consistency. Not trying to finesse each shot, but rather playing safe and visualize the ball landing on your target.

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