8 Tips For Making Running More Comfortable

1. Schedule Your Runs
Most people are more prone to make time for running if it’s on the calendar. So, put the time on yourself and commit to a few weekly runs by actually entering them into your calendar for the week. Block off an hour to do something beneficial for your body and mind so you actually give running the importance that it deserves in your life.
2. Map Your Routes
There’s a certain feeling of accomplishment associated with completing a task. With running that can be achieved by starting at point A and successfully reaching point B.
3. Invest In Comfortable Shoes
Running is just uncomfortable in bad shoes. You can end up with arch issues, blisters, and even falling if your shoes don’t provide the proper support and cushioning. So, spend the money and purchase a quality pair of running shoes. If you’re unsure of what to buy, visit a specialty store where they will fit you for a pair to suit your feet and activity.
4. Pace Yourself
Pace yourself, don’t expend too much energy too early and burn out half way into a run. That’s why it’s important to pace yourself. This will take time to become familiar with your body and your level of fitness, and you may start at a slow jog.
5. Concentrate On The Positive
The worst thing you can do is get frustrated and take your running set-backs out on yourself. If you have a bad run, take it for what it is and start again tomorrow. Don’t focus on how slow you run or how short a distance you run compared to others. Instead, consider yourself lucky that you can run at all and focus on small improvements each and every day.
6. Choose A Scenic Route
Running is a lot nicer in visually stimulating surroundings. So, pick a local park, beach, or forest trail with a smooth, soft running surface and beautiful scenery. The visually positive surroundings will transcend to your mental attitude towards running.
7. Find A Rhythm
Finding your personal rhythm can be tricky business at first. A customized running playlist will get you into a rhythm. Whatever your running fuel is, use it to find a comfortable, smooth rhythm. You will know when you have found it.
8. Mix Up Your Runs
Running can get pretty dull and unmotivated if you run the same route every single time. Instead, mix things up by running in different surroundings. This will rejuvenate your runs and help you find new motivation.
Check out more helpful running tips and join us next summer at a Nike Running Camp!