Tennis Tip
Presented by Al Wermer, Co-Director
5 Tips for Playing Tennis in the Wind

All tennis players have their specific match preparation strategies and traditions, but the best players prepare for things they cannot control. Simply put – playing in the wind is frustrating, but players can make simple adjustments to give you a huge advantage over your opponent.
1. Be aware if you are playing with or against the wind – Tennis is a game of two sides, and a lot of “good” strategies of playing with the wind are “bad” strategies if you are playing against the wind. It’s vital to distinguish which and when strategies are beneficial. (For example, see #2)
2. Utilize the Drop Shot – Drop shots can be incredibly effective when hitting into the wind. The perfect drop shot is as close to the net as possible, and wind going against you can stop the ball from traveling too far on the opponent’s side.
3. Adjust your serve – While getting an ace on your opponent may be one of the most satisfying scores in tennis, it may not be the most effective strategy. Serving in the wind is far too unpredictable, and while it may go against everything you know, it’s often best to just get the ball in.
4. Use spin – The use of spin in a tennis match already has its benefits but utilizing spin in a windy tennis match can really cause problems for your opponent. Top-spin shots cause a lot of problems because they stay deep and bounce high, causing your opponent to sit far back on the court. Side spin shots are already difficult to return and adding in the element of unpredictable weather can make these shots nearly impossible to return.
5. Understand that your opponent has the same problem as you – Like any sport, the mental side of the game plays a huge role in tennis. Rather than letting poor weather conditions get inside your head, realize the conditions are the exact same for your opponent. Remain calm, and work on these tips to give you an edge against your opponent.
Utilize these tennis tips during your season and learn more at a Nike Tennis Camp this summer!