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Baseball Tip

4 tips for base runners taking a lead in baseball

Baseball Taking A Lead Photo

Youth baseball players all go through the transition from little league to pony league baseball where kids need to learn how to take a good lead. Once you get on base, there are a few good tips to keep yourself in a scoring position. Taking a good lead is important (below is a standard lead):

  1. One big step with the right foot
  2. Then cross the left foot behind the right foot
  3. Then two shuffles while facing the mound
  4. Never take your eyes off the pitcher

Different bases call for different leads and base runners should also be aware of different looks from the pitcher. Taking a lead off 2nd base will require possibly a bigger, more rounded off lead but similar steps as above.

Once you have your lead, knowing what types of moves the pitcher uses is crucial. Try to distinguish a pick move vs. a pitch move, “Pay attention to the pitcher’s lower half. His lower half movement will trigger his throw home or to the base. Also, keep one eye on the pitcher and one on the catcher. Catchers can tend to tip off picks and pitches” says Nike Baseball Camp Director.

Left handed pitchers can tend to be dangerous pick off specialists for runners on 1st and right handed pitcher to 3rd base. Baseball players should always be aware of what their pick moves are and pick up their tells and tendencies throughout the game and season.

Learn more baseball tips and develop your base running skills at Nike Baseball Camps.

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