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Field Hockey Coach's Corner

Field Hockey Tip

Tips to Be a Coachable Player in Field Hockey

Coachable Field Hockey Players

Our field hockey players learn skills to be more coachable players when they return to their teams after the summer camp!

Being coachable is not only an applicable skill for field hockey players and athletes of other sports but also a valuable skill for life! Any person looking to improve in sports or grow in any aspect of their life must be coachable. Listed below are tips that our Camp Directors use at our field hockey day camps to help each player become more coachable.

  1. Body Language: Coachable athletes always display positive body language. When listening to a coach give you constructive criticism, always have your head up and make eye contact. Positive body language shows the coach you are ready to listen and learn. If you have your head down, are turned away from your coach, or appear frustrated, you are losing an opportunity to get better!

  2. Effective Communication: Coachable field hockey players always respond when a coach or teammate is giving out instructions. Letting your coach or teammates know that you've heard their instructions and understood what they said to you is important when you're on the field.

  3. Open Mind: Players who are open to learning, improve their skills on the turf at a much quicker pace. As a young player, you don’t know all the answers. Being open to coaching and playing tips is important if you want to develop into an elite player.

Check out more field hockey tips to improve your game.

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