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Volleyball Tip

3 Tips to Improve your Serve Receiving Skills in Volleyball

Serve Receive

Volleyball Campers improve their serve receiving skills while enjoying their time with other volleyball players in the area.

Serve receiving in volleyball is a difficult skill to master. There are various skills required to master an effective serve receive and this can even be challenging for elite volleyball players. At our Nike Volleyball Camps, campers will work on these skills to take their game to the next level. Below are three tips to improve on before your next summer camp.

Eye on the Ball

Your eyes should follow the ball from the moment the player is handed the ball. If you follow the ball from the start of the serve, the pass to your teammates will be more accurate. If you do not track the serve until it crosses over the net, your reaction time to get to the appropriate position will be significantly slower.


Preparing for where the ball will land is important in an effective serve return. Moving your feet to where you anticipate the ball is going is important to setting up your offense. If you are in the correct position, you can assist your teammates with an accurate pass to get the offense going. Remember to step with the foot closest to where you think the ball will land to get their quickly!


Returning a serve with a good pass is vital to scoring. Good passers utilize their whole body when passing. Passing is done primarily with good foot positioning and shoulder work. You should never swing your arms to pass but hinge at your shoulders for good accuracy and power.

Bonus Tip

Volleyball is filled with challenging skills to improve on, but don't get frustrated if it's challenging. Camp Director and Head Volleyball Coach at Marian University, Ashlee Pritchard emphasizes fun at her volleyball camp in Indiana. "Keep trying your best. Always give 110%. Work hard and have fun." Your skills will improve when you are working hard and having fun.

Check out some more volleyball tips and prepare for you next summer volleyball camp in Indiana!

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