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Volleyball Tip

Volleyball Tips for Middle Hitters

In volleyball, the middle hitter, also known as the center or middle blocker, plays an important role. Hitters are in charge of attacking the ball and scoring points for their team during offensive plays. By practicing, understanding your position, and remaining competitive, you’ll be able to drive offensive plays and score points at a Nike Volleyball Camp this summer.

How to spike to increase your hitting efficiency

  1. First, locate the opposing middle’s starting position when the ball is being passed. You need to see if the middle blocker is following you, staying in the middle or already moving toward another hitter. This will help you determine what angles are already open based on where the opposing middle is placed.

  2. Respond to blocking positions based on opponents offensive position. If a middle blocker is following you then wait and see where the middle is blocking before you make a spiking decision. Make sure you are facing the same direction every time you spike that way the opposing middle can not tell where you are going to hit the ball.

  3. Once the middle blocker begins to reach in one direction with their arms, aim the spike in the opposite direction and away from the block. If the opposing middle is blocking to your right, then contact the ball on the top right, follow through and point to your left. If the opposing middle is blocking to your left, contact the ball on the top left and follow through pointing to your right. If the opposing middle is blocking directly in front of you, then you have the option of either spiking to the left or right, which makes it easier to avoid the block.

Even if you don't get set, your goal should be to draw as many blockers with you as possible. This opens up the net and makes it easier for other spikers to spike with fewer or no blockers. Checkout more volleyball tips like this and get ready to have some fun this summer!

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