Coach Profile
Camp Director
Henry Sims
Coach Henry Sims is entering his inaugural year as the assistant coach of HPU after completing his 15th season as a high school basketball coach. Coach Sims is more than a result-driven Coach.
He is a Coach who believes in fundamentals, player development, scholarship and character which has resulted in professional basketball careers, athletic scholarships, and high achieving individuals.
"My capacity to develop and lead is built on my experience as a standout district and state high school student athlete, member of the United States Boxing team which was selected to compete in the Olympics, and over 25 years of grassroots and scholastic coaching that resulted in a state championship. In addition to these athletic experiences, I am also a certified Life Coach, Professional Coach and Anger Resolution Therapist. My philosophy starts with a strategic method of preparation with a focus on dedication and hard work which sometimes is non-traditional but effective."