Coach Profile
Frank Iovine
Frank Iovine was selected as the 2021 Assistant Coach of the year from Easton/NFCA – National Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association.
He is a certified Intermediate-Level, High Performance Pitching instructor, certified by the legendary Rick Pauly, focused on Internal rotation (IR). He is currently working on his Elite level certification. Frank is a Volunteer Assistant who began coaching girls’ softball through the Toms River Girls Softball League (TRGSL) in 2013. As a father of three softball players, he has continued coaching from t-ball through 18u. In 2016, he helped coach a 10u travel team and has been coaching travel softball ever since. Helping players build the confidence & skills learned through teamwork, that will carry them through life, has become a passion. Keeping a positive attitude, working hard and having fun is what it is all about, after all softball is still a game! Frank maintains his USA & USSA Softball Volunteer status including training and background checks.