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Rugby Video Tip

3 Steps to Improve Your Rugby Kick

There are many components to think about when kicking a rugby ball out of hand. A player may choose to kick the ball instead of pass, providing their teammates are behind the ball when it is kicked. Coach Kalei Konrad, at the Nike Legion Rugby Camp in San Diego provides a few quick tips on how to improve your kicking by practicing in progression.

Step 1: 5 meters

Grab a partner and stand 5 meters away from each other. To begin, practice with stationary kicking. Stand on your non-kicking leg and drop the ball straight down to your kicking foot. Make sure you are placing the ball so that the laces of your cleat are making the connection. It is important to watch the ball to your foot, so you can time your kick.

Step 2: 15 meters

Have one partner step back to where you are 15 meters apart. At this distance, you are going to incorporate movement to your kick. Take a few steps leading into your kick. Once you contact the ball, follow through on your kicking foot by stepping forward. Following through the ball can also be thought of as stepping through the ball.

Step 3: 30 meters

Move even farther back to where there are 30 meters between you and your partner. The next step is to add a hip rotation as you move forward to contact the ball. A hip rotation allows you to kick higher and for greater distance. The last and most important step is to finish your kick towards your target. When following through, the toes of your kicking foot should be pointing at the target you are aiming at.

About Nike Rugby Camps

Nike Rugby Camps (NRC) is a division of US Sports Camps, Inc., America’s largest sports camp network. In 2013 NRC joined forces with ELITE Rugby Camps and Evolution Rugby Camps to reach over 5,000 new and experienced players. To explore a variety of camp options and locations please visit the official website for Nike Rugby Camps.

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