Field Hockey Tip
Presented by Vianney Yamada (Campos), Camp Director
Nike Field Hockey Camp at University of San Diego
Field Hockey Tips: Incorporating Spins into Dribbling

Utilizing spins while dribbling can be extremely fun while also making it difficult for your opponent to defend. Spins should be used with purpose and with attention to detail. When done correctly, you can create a barrier between yourself and your opponent without obstructing. Adding a spin into your field hockey skills can also help you change directions quickly!
If you want to practice more advanced field hockey skills like this, join us at our Nike Field Hockey Camps this summer 2022!
The Spin:
- You can use a strong side spin (ball on your strong side of the stick and spinning towards the left) or a weak side spin (ball on the reverse side of your stick and spinning towards the right).
- It is important to tight dribble during a spin. This will drastically increase control.
- Avoid spinning in 360 degrees! This is one of the most common mistakes. If you need to finish where your defender is at, you MUST first force them to move away from that spot before you spin into it.
- Stay in a strong athletic stance with wide strides to improve your control, strength, and barrier.
- Spins must be fast and explosive, especially as you finish the spin. Try and explode into the space you are trying to dribble towards!
- Spins can also be a great way to set yourself up for a shot!
When to use them:
- They work best when you are dribbling at a medium to a slower pace where you are in good control of the ball. If you are in a full sprint, it will be hard to gain control of the ball and spin at the same pace.
- When your opponent is flat-footed or isn’t moving much.
- To set up for a pass.
When not to use them:
- When you have multiple opponents around you.
- When you have the ball too far in front of you or aren’t in control of the ball.
Check out more field hockey tips to prepare for your next field hockey camp.