Field Hockey Tip
Presented by Vianney Yamada (Campos), Camp Director
Nike Field Hockey Camp at University of San Diego
Field Hockey Tip: Push Passing

Push passes are great for short, controlled distances, and quick passing. While these seem simple, learning a variety of push passes will help you elevate your game.
To develop a high level of comfort and confidence in your push pass technique use the field hockey tips below.
Push Pass:
- Dropping the right hand lower than when you dribble can help you develop a bit more power.
- Shifting your weight from back foot to front foot will also help develop more power.
- Follow through towards your target to improve accuracy.
- Another type of push pass is the flick. A flick will allow you to beat a defender's block tackle using a small lift on the ball. The height should be just over a stick flat stick height. Drop your right shoulder to get under the ball.
When to use it:
- Anytime you need to make a quick, short distance pass.
- When defenders are close by and need to release the ball quickly.
- Inside the circle.
When not to use it:
- When your teammates are far enough that the ball speed will significantly suffer.
To practice more stick skills, join us at our Nike Field Hockey Camps this summer 2022!